When Kent Sobey pulls out of his driveway and passes Tim Houston pulling out of his, does he just give the little nod I give ...
HRM studies from 2008 and 1993 proposed multi-use trails, parks, and other plans for the basin's western shore.
Nova Scotia Health said that while 60% of doctors who responded to the survey left the province for other work opportunities, ...
How much it will cost to clean up the contaminated site at Abercrombie Point and who will pay for it? Taxpayers, or Northern ...
Several speakers including Percy Paris and Eddie Carvery spoke at Tuesday's public hearing on sale of surplus land.
Emera, the parent company of Nova Scotia Power, announced a big deal yesterday.  While Nova Scotia Power’s employees were ...
Those affected included civil servants, people who received HRM parking tickets, retired teachers, and 1,923 patients whose ...
Author of new report outlining a solution to Nova Scotia’s energy poverty crisis said the situation in the province is the ...
“Nova Scotia’s public school teachers have overwhelmingly voted in favour of a new three-year agreement with the province,” ...
United Gulf wants to build 214 homes in Bedford Village without constructing a connector road. Suzanne Rent is a writer, ...
No matter what, Paper Excellence will get a 14% annual profit, guaranteed. In short, the deal with the devil was refinanced, ...
If the PCs truly want to develop the tidal industry, they should embrace the carbon tax. The carbon tax is how we get a tidal industry. I don’t expect Pierre Poilievre to support a carbon tax — he ...